ACXPA Customer Experience Standards Quiz

Customer Experience Standards Quiz

There is a lot of confusion about what Customer Experience is and how it differs from Customer Service. So we’ve put together this short 10 question Customer Experience Standards quiz that will reveal how much you really know about Customer Experience as defined by the global Customer Experience Professionals Association.

Please note: Non members are free to play the quizzes but you need to be a member to see your results. View our membership options >

The biggest challenge with most Voice of Customer (VOC) Programs is:

Correct! Wrong!

Answers: Failure to action the results

Complete this phrase, “Correlation does not equal _____________.”

Correct! Wrong!

Answers: Causation

If you want your Service Staff to go the extra mile correctly, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: Ask them to use the Customer experience strategy as a guide

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: Even companies with clear values need strict rules to guide Employee behaviour

The risk in creating a prototype report or PowerPoint presentation is that:

Correct! Wrong!

Answers: They don’t make the proposed improvement or innovation compelling for a broad audience

Which of the following is the BEST definition of Ethnographic Research?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: Research that studies the Customer in their own environment

Which of the following is the LEAST important to the Customer’s perception of their interaction with your organization?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: The amount of discount they received

Select the answer where the design steps are in the correct order:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: Research, Analyze, Ideate, Prototype, Test

The BEST example of a descriptive metric is:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: Average Handling Time (in a Call Centre)

It is advised not to boil the ocean when you begin mapping the Customer ecosystem for your various Customer personas. Which answer below BEST fits the meaning of this phrase?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: Start by prioritizing which Customer types you want to study and then prioritize which detailed journey maps you need to create for the selected Customer type(s)

General Customer Experience Quiz 1


We all have to start somewhere right?

CX is a very broad topic and there is a lot of help available on ACXPA. We have Customer Experience (CX) articles, courses on CX Management Fundamentals as well as our monthly live symposiums, private group for CX Professionals and our CX Community fortnightly roundtables.

Your Results

Correct answers are displayed in green, incorrect answers in red

Well done, you got some answers right and with a bit more learning you'll be smashing out those right answers in no time!

The good news there is a heap of help available right here on ACXPA. We have Customer Experience (CX) articles, courses on CX Management Fundamentals as well as our monthly live symposiums, private group for CX Professionals and our CX Community fortnightly roundtables.

Your Results

Correct answers are displayed in green, incorrect answers in red

Now that's a score worth celebrating!

As you already know, CX is a fast moving space so to keep on learning make sure you tap into resources right here on ACXPA. We have Customer Experience (CX) articles, courses on CX Management Fundamentals, monthly live symposiums, private group for CX Professionals and our CX Community fortnightly roundtables.

Your Results

Correct answers are displayed in green, incorrect answers in red

You're a CX Superstar and got every answer correct - well done!!!

As you know, CX is a fast-moving discipline so make sure you keep on learning - there's a heap of resources right here on ACXPA including Customer Experience (CX) articles, courses on CX Management Fundamentals as well as our monthly live symposiums, private group for CX Professionals and our CX Community fortnightly roundtables.

Your Results

Correct answers are displayed in green, incorrect answers in red

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