Australian Call Centre Industry Rankings Q1 2024 Mystery Shopping Results

Australian Call Centre Industry Rankings Q1 2024

Table of Contents:

Scroll through the entire report below or use the links below to jump directly to a specific section.


Executive Summary

Overall Rankings

ACCESS Rankings

QUALITY Rankings

Average Wait Times

Calls Answered Percentage

Quarterly Trend Report Download (ACXPA Members Only)

Access Data for Your Call Centre

Links to Additional Data by Industry Sector


In August 2023, we commissioned the Australian Call Centre Ranking Reports to improve the transparency of industry performance, recognise call centres doing exceptional work, provide our members with regular, unbiased benchmarking data, and help identify areas where the industry needs additional support and resources to improve customers’ experiences.

Each month, we conduct a series of mystery shopping calls at random times and days, posing as a real customer, and then assess the customer experience using over 80 different metrics that provide us with three key metrics:

  • The Overall Ranking, which is the ultimate metric, provides insights into the call centres that make it easy for customers to connect to a live agent and deliver great customer service once a connection with a real person has been made.
  • The ACCESS Score assesses how easy it was to connect to a live contact centre agent, including wait times, complexity of IVR Menus, hold experience, etc.
  • The QUALITY Score measures the customer service received during the interaction with the live contact centre agent using the five core competencies from the Australian Contact Centre Quality Standards: Engage, Discover, Educate, Close and Energy.

It’s important to celebrate and recognise the fantastic work our industry delivers daily for millions of Australians—from the small local call centres with a handful of employees to the large call centres with thousands of employees.

But we don’t always get it right, and we need to be mature enough as an industry to admit when performance is not at the level it should be.

We trust that by providing genuine, unbiased insights into the industry’s performance and the support, resources, and tools contact centre managers need to succeed, we can deliver improved outcomes for employees working in the industry, the businesses we serve, and the customers who rely on our expertise to deliver great customer experiences.

To maintain the integrity of mystery shopping, we are unable to test scenarios that require us to provide account details, serial numbers of products, etc. As such, our enquiries are general in nature, typically enquiring about products and services the businesses own.

This means our findings may not always align with the experience for existing customers calling with enquiries, complaints etc, as these are often handled by different teams, treated with different priorities by the contact centre manager etc.

Executive Summary – Australian Call Centre Industry Rankings Q1 2024 Report

We get it—you’re busy! We’ve listed some of the key stand-outs from the data in Q1 2024:

OVERALL Rankings

  • The industry’s Overall Rankings decreased by 1.3% from 56.0% in Q4 2023 down to 54.7% in Q1 2024 and is still rated as ‘Below Standards’.
  • The most improved sector from the previous quarter was the Internet Retailers (+4.4%) with all other sectors declining from their Q4 2023 results, with Energy Retailers the biggest decline (-4.1%).
  • Internet Retailers were ranked as the best overall sector (61.9%), leading for both February and March in Q1 2024 (Councils were the top sector in January 2024) and they are the only sector rated as ‘Met Standard’.
  • Banks were the lowest-ranked industry sector for Q1 2024 (43.0%), having been the lowest-performing sector in 6 out of the 8 months since we commenced and they ranked last in every month for Q1 2024.

ACCESS Rankings, Wait Times & Call Answered Percentage

  • Overall, it was more difficult to access a live agent in Q1 2024 than in Q4 2023, with the ACCESS Rankings across the industry decreasing from 65.0% to 63.5% (-1.5%).
  • Internet Retailers were the easiest to connect to a live agent (81.8%) with Banks the most difficult (44.2%).
  • The Banking sector has been last in the ACCESS Rankings every month since records commenced in August 2023; however, the rankings improved by 1.9% from Q4 2023 to Q1 2024.
  • Compared to Q4 2023, accessibility to Energy Retailers decreased the most (-8.7%), with Internet Retailers’ accessibility improving the most (up 8.7% to 81.8%) in Q1 2024.
  • In Q1 2024, the Council Sector had the longest wait times (04:23) with wait times across the industry ranging from an average of 00:03 minutes (Dodo Internet) to in excess of 15:00 minutes (City of Casey, Victoria).
  • Wait times increased the most for car insurance providers (+84 seconds) in Q1 2024 compared to Q4 2023, with the biggest decrease for Internet Retailers (-56 seconds).
  • Across the industry, 15.4% of calls were not answered within our wait time thresholds (a decrease of 1.4% from Q4 2023), with Banks the worst offenders, failing to answer 35.2% of calls.
  • Not one sector answered 100% of calls in Q1 2024, and only two sectors have achieved 100% in any given month – TAFEs in February 2024 and Internet Retailers in March 2024.
  • 10.5% of all call centres assessed had no IVR (press one for this, two for that) with RACV having the highest number of menu layers (6.0) of any call centre in Australia.
  • Councils had the least number of menu layers (0.6) with Banks the highest (3.5).

QUALITY Rankings

  • Across the industry, quality marginally improved (+0.2%) from 57.4% in Q4 2023 to 57.6% in Q1 2024, rated as ‘Below Standard’ in the Australian Call Centre Quality Standards.
  • The Councils delivered the best customer service (Quality) in Q1 2024 (64.2%), with TAFE/Education providers providing the poorest customer service (53.1%).
  • The Banking sector had the best improvement for Quality (up 4.7% to 57.5%) with TAFE/Education Providers experiencing the biggest decline (down 6.4% to 53.1%)
  • Overall Quality Scores for individual call centres ranged from 41.7% to 79.8%.
  • Of the five quality competencies we assess, ENGAGE continues to rank the lowest with a score of 36.0% (and a decrease of -5.0% from Q4 2023).
  • Obtaining and using a customer’s name in a conversation, one of the four ENGAGE behaviours, was ranked at just 26.0% for Q1 2024 (down 0.2% from Q4 2023).  The ENGAGE scores ranged from 7.4% (Councils) to 38.9% (Energy Retailers). The highest score in Australia was 77.8% (Holmesglen TAFE, Vic). 23% of all centres we assessed scored 0% for Q1 2024.

If you’d like to view the performance of your call centre, learn more about our Contact Centre CX Benchmarking >

Overall Rankings by Industry Sector Q1 2024

The Overall Ranking is the ultimate metric, providing insight into the call centres that make it easy for customers to connect to a live agent and deliver great customer service once a connection with a real person has been made.

The Overall Ranking score is determined by combining the ACCESS and QUALITY, weighted slightly higher for the quality of customer service, and minus any deductions/penalties that impacted the customer experience such as poor audio quality, technical malfunctions or failing to answer the call within our defined wait time thresholds.

Overall Rankings by Sector
Australian Call Centre Industry - Q1 2024
1. Internet Retailers61.9%
2. Councils57.6%
3. Energy Retailers56.9%
4. TAFE/Education56.8%
5. Car Insurance52.1%
6. Banks43.0%
Industry AVE54.7%
Overall Ranking Leaderboard
Top 5 Call Centres in Australia - Q1 2024
1. Holmesglen TAFE (TAFE/Education)81.1%
2. Aussie Broadband (Internet Retailers)75.6%
3. YOUI (Car Insurance)75.1%
4. Launceston Council (Councils)74.8%
5. Onkaparinga Council (Councils)72.9%
Industry AVE54.7%

Call Centre Rankings Key:






ACXPA Q1 2024 Call Centre Rankings Matrix by Sector Mystery Shopping Results
ACXPA Q1 2024 Call Centre Rankings Matrix by Sector

Overall Rankings by Industry Sector Q1 2024

Below are the Overall Ranking Leaderboards for each of the industry sectors we currently assess that display the top three call centres, the call centre with the lowest score and the sector and industry averages so you are able to determine the range of performance experienced by customers throughout the quarter.

Banks - Q1 2024
Overall Ranking Leaderboard
Lowest:Bendigo Bank32.2%
Banks AVE43.0%
Industry AVE54.7%
Car Insurance - Q1 2024
Overall Ranking Leaderboard
2nd:RAC Insurance59.9%
3rd:Budget Direct53.5%
Car Insurance AVE52.1%
Industry AVE54.7%
Councils - Q1 2024
Overall Ranking Leaderboard
1st:Launceston Council74.8%
2nd:Onkaparinga Council72.9%
3rd:Frankston City Council71.5%
Lowest:City of Casey0.0%
Councils AVE57.6%
Industry AVE54.7%
Energy Retailers - Q1 2024
Overall Ranking Leaderboard
2nd:Red Energy65.1%
3rd:Energy Australia60.0%
Lowest:Alinta Energy42.0%
Energy AVE56.9%
Industry AVE54.7%
Internet Retailers - Q1 2024
Overall Ranking Leaderboard
1st:Aussie Broadband75.6%
2nd:TPG Internet72.2%
Lowest:Telstra Internet27.6%
Internet AVE61.9%
Industry AVE54.7%
TAFES/Education - Q1 2024
Overall Ranking Leaderboard
1st:Holmesglen TAFE81.1%
2nd:TAFE NSW58.7%
3rd:TAFE WA54.6%
Lowest:TAFE QLD46.0%
Education AVE56.8%
Industry AVE54.7%

Most Accessible by Industry Sector (Q4 2023)

The Accessibility Score measures how easily a customer can connect to a live agent. Our assessment includes over 40 individual elements, including average wait times, ease of menu navigation, time forced to listen to recorded messages and, of course, how long they had to wait on hold before they could speak to a live person plus lots more!

The Overall ACCESS score is determined by the performance against each of the metrics, with deductions applied for poor audio quality that makes it difficult to communicate, technical glitches and if wait times exceed our pre-determined thresholds of 10 minutes (customer service scenarios) or 15 minutes (new business sales scenarios).

ACCESS Score by Sector
Australian Call Centre Industry - Q1 2024
1. Internet Retailers81.8%
2. TAFE/Education76.5%
3. Councils61.1%
4. Energy Retailers59.0%
5. Car Insurance58.4%
6. Banks44.2%
Industry AVE63.3%
ACCESS Rankings Leaderboard
Top 5 Call Centres in Australia - Q1 2024
1. iiNET (Internet Retailers)94.8%
2. Aussie Broadband (Internet Retailers)93.3%
3. Optus Internet (Internet Retailers)90.4%
4. TPG Internet (Internet Retailers)90.0%
5. Dodo Internet (Internet Retailers)89.0%
Industry AVE63.3%

ACCESS Score Rankings by Industry Sector

Below are Access Leaderboards by Industry Sector that display the top three call centres, the call centre with the lowest score, and the sector and industry averages so you are able to see the range in performance experienced by customers throughout the quarter when they try to connect to a live agent.

Want to see how your call centre compares? Purchase the Contact Centre CX Benchmarking report, and you’ll see over 80 metrics for your contact centre, plus benchmarking data for any five nominated businesses for one low fee per month. Learn more >

Banks - Q1 2024
ACCESS Leaderboard
Banks AVE44.2%
Industry AVE63.3%
Car Insurance - Q1 2024
ACCESS Leaderboard
2nd:RAC Insurance79.7%
3rd:Budget Direct73.2%
Lowest:RACV Insurance18.1%
Car Insurance AVE58.4%
Industry AVE63.3%
Councils - Q1 2024
ACCESS Leaderboard
1st:Launceston Council85.1%
2nd:Onkaparinga Council82.7%
3rd:Frankston City Council81.7%
Lowest:City of Casey0.6%
Councils AVE61.1%
Industry AVE63.3%
Energy Retailers - Q1 2024
ACCESS Leaderboard
1st:Origin Energy77.7%
3rd:Red Energy76.6%
Lowest:Alinta Energy35.5%
Energy AVE59.0%
Industry AVE63.3%
Internet Retailers - Q1 2024
ACCESS Leaderboard
2nd:Aussie Broadband93.3%
3rd:Optus Internet90.4%
Lowest:Telstra Internet33.3%
Internet AVE81.8%
Industry AVE63.3%
TAFES/Education - Q1 2024
ACCESS Leaderboard
2nd:TAFE WA84.7%
3rd:Holmesglen TAFE84.2%
Lowest:TAFE QLD58.3%
Education AVE76.5%
Industry AVE63.3%

Best QUALITY by Industry Sector (Q1 2024)

The Quality Score measures the level of customer service when interacting with a contact centre agent.

We assess quality across five core competencies and 18 call-handling behaviours defined in the Australian Call Centre Quality Standards

Regardless of how easy it was to connect to a live agent, the interaction between the customer and the call centre agent significantly impacts customer satisfaction.

Our research has shown that our quality scores directly correlate to better outcomes for the customer and the business and apply to any customer interaction, regardless of the products, service, industry sector, size of the call centre, etc so if a call centre is rated ‘Exceeds Standards’ or ‘Outstanding’ it will correlate with high KPI performance on whatever metric is used (i.e. NPS, Customer Effort Score etc).

The metrics provide contact centre managers with visibility on the attributes their team is delivering well and the ability to hone in on particular areas that require additional training and coaching to improve the customer experience and, in turn, their business outcomes.

QUALITY Scores by Sector
Australian Call Centre Industry - Q1 2024
1. Councils64.2%
2. Energy Retailers60.0%
3. Internet Retailers58.0%
4. Banks57.5%
5. Car Insurance53.5%
6. TAFE/Education53.1%
Industry AVE57.6%
Overall Quality Leaderboard
Top 5 Call Centres in Australia - Q1 2024
1. Holmesglen TAFE (TAFE/Education)79.8%
2. Energy Australia (Energy Retailers)77.1%
3. YOUI (Car Insurance)72.3%
4. Launceston Council (Councils)71.7%
5. ANZ (Banks)71.1%
Industry AVE57.6%

Overall Quality Rankings by Industry Sector

The Australian Call Centre Quality Standards recognise five core quality competencies: Engage, Discover, Educate, Close and Energy with an overall score for Quality.

Below are the Overall Quality Score Rankings for each industry sector, which display the top three call centres, the call centre with the lowest score, the sector average, and the industry average to enable you to see the range in performance throughout the quarter.

What to see how your call centre performs? Purchase the Contact Centre CX Benchmarking report, and you’ll see over 80 metrics for your contact centre, plus benchmarking data for any five nominated businesses for one low fee per month. Learn more >

Banks - Q1 2024
QUALITY Leaderboard
Banks AVE57.5%
Industry AVE57.6%
Car Insurance - Q1 2024
QUALITY Leaderboard
2nd:RACV Insurance56.6%
Lowest:Budget Direct45.1%
Car Insurance AVE53.5%
Industry AVE57.6%
Councils - Q1 2024
QUALITY Leaderboard
1st:Launceston Council71.7%
2nd:Onkaparinga Council68.8%
3rd:Frankston City Council67.1%
Lowest:Monash Council49.5%
Councils AVE64.2%
Industry AVE57.6%
Energy Retailers - Q1 2024
QUALITY Leaderboard
1st:Energy Australia77.1%
3rd:Red Energy65.0%
Lowest:Origin Energy48.5%
Energy AVE60.0%
Industry AVE57.6%
Internet Retailers - Q1 2024
QUALITY Leaderboard
1st:Aussie Broadband68.0%
2nd:TPG Internet64.6%
Lowest:Dodo Internet46.1%
Internet AVE58.0%
Industry AVE57.6%
TAFES/Education - Q1 2024
QUALITY Leaderboard
1st:Holmesglen TAFE79.8%
2nd:TAFE QLD55.0%
3rd:TAFE SA51.6%
Lowest:TAFE WA41.7%
Education AVE53.1%
Industry AVE57.6%

Quality Competencies Industry Sector Leaders

The Leaderboards below display the leading contact centres for each industry sector for each of the five core competencies of the Australian Contact Centre Quality Standards.

Each competency has up to four individual behaviours that enable contact centre managers to hone in on behaviours that recognise strengths and identify areas for improvement via coaching and training (scores for each individual behaviour is visible when you purchase the Contact Centre CX Benchmarking report).


Build a strong first impression and build trust by taking ownership, personalising and revealing how you will help satisfy the customer’s needs.

ENGAGE Leaderboard
By Sector - Q1 2024
1. Energy Australia (Energy Retailers)73.6%
2. Holmesglen TAFE (TAFE/Education)66.7%
3. iiNET (Internet Retailers)62.5%
4. RACV Insurance* (Car Insurance)51.4%
5. Brisbane City Council (Councils)44.4%
6. NAB (Banks)41.7%
Industry AVE36.0%

*more than one business achieved the same result in this sector.


Conversation that explores and confirms both what customers need from the call and what they wish to achieve through your products and services.

DISCOVER Leaderboard
By Sector - Q1 2024
1. YOUI (Car Insurance)83.3%
2. Frankston City Council* (Councils)77.8%
3. ANZ (Banks)72.2%
4. Holmesglen TAFE (TAFE/Education)70.4%
5. ENGIE (Energy Retailers)70.4%
6. iiNET (Internet Retailers)70.4%
Industry AVE54.7%

*more than one business achieved the same result in this sector.


Fully inform the customer with targeted, relevant information that checks suitability, understanding, commitment and resolution.

EDUCATE Overall Score
By Sector - Q1 2024
1. Holmesglen TAFE (TAFE/Education)91.7%
2. Red Energy (Energy Retailers)84.7%
3. ANZ* (Banks)83.3%
4. Launceston Council (Councils)77.8%
5. YOUI (Car Insurance)77.8%
6. iiNET* (Internet Retailers)77.8%
Industry AVE67.0%

*more than one business achieved the same result in this sector.


Control the end of the call with a strong final check, expression of gratitude and thanks to create a strong final impression.

EDUCATE Leaderboard
By Sector - Q1 2024
1. Holmesglen TAFE (TAFE/Education)91.7%
2. Red Energy (Energy Retailers)84.7%
3. ANZ* (Banks)83.3%
4. Launceston Council (Councils)77.8%
5. YOUI (Car Insurance)77.8%
6. iiNET* (Internet Retailers)77.8%
Industry AVE67.0%

*more than one business achieved the same result in this sector.


Energy, empathy, clarity and efficient call management that builds connection and makes it easy for the customer to get what they need.

CLOSE Leaderboard
By Sector - Q1 2024
1. TPG Internet (Internet Retailers)92.6%
2. Allianz (Car Insurance)88.9%
3. Holmesglen TAFE (TAFE/Education)85.2%
4. ANZ (Banks)83.3%
5. Energy Australia (Energy Retailers)79.6%
6. Onkaparinga Council (Councils)66.7%
Industry AVE62.4%

Best Wait Times by Industry Sector (Q4 2023)

The Average Wait Time is calculated from the moment the customer completes any menu navigation and is placed into the queue until the moment the call is answered by a live agent, and it’s often the metric that has the highest correlation to customer frustration.

To measure the wait time, we wait on hold just like a normal customer would.

However, as wait times are often exceedingly long, it’s not feasible to continue waiting on hold until the call is answered so we terminate the call if wait times exceed the following:

  • 10:00 minutes (new business/sales-related scenarios)
  • 15:00 minutes (customer service/general enquiry-related scenarios).

If we have to terminate the call, we use the maximum wait time to calculate the averages, meaning when wait times exceed the threshold, the actual wait times would be higher than the reported average.

Refer to the section below this one to see the percentage of calls we needed to terminate due to long wait times.

Australian Call Centre Industry - Q1 2024
1. Internet Retailers01:14
2. TAFE/Education01:53
3. Energy Retailers02:19
4. Car Insurance02:19
5. Banks03:40
6. Councils04:23
Industry AVE02:40
Average Wait Time Leaderboard
Top 5 Call Centres in Australia - Q1 2024
1. Dodo Internet (Internet Retailers)00:03
2. Westpac (Banks)00:04
3. iiNET (Internet Retailers)00:05
4. TPG Internet (Internet Retailers)00:05
5. Aussie Broadband (Internet Retailers)00:07
Industry AVE02:40

AVERAGE WAIT TIME – Shortest and Longest by Industry Sector

Below you’ll see the shortest and longest wait times in each industry sector to highlight the disparity in the customer experience depending on the call centre you are trying to connect with.

Banks - Q1 2024
Average Wait Time Range
Highest:Bendigo Bank06:29
Banks AVE03:40
Industry AVE02:40
Car Insurance - Q1 2024
Average Wait Time Range
Lowest:Budget Direct00:12
Car Insurance AVE02:19
Industry AVE02:40
Councils - Q1 2024
Average Wait Time Range
Lowest:Onkaparinga Council00:28
Highest:City of Casey15:00
Councils AVE04:23
Industry AVE02:40
Energy Retailers - Q1 2024
Average Wait Time Range
Lowest:Alinta Energy01:17
Highest:Energy Australia03:15
Energy AVE02:19
Industry AVE02:40
Internet Retailers - Q1 2024
Average Wait Time Range
Lowest:Dodo Internet00:03
Highest:Telstra Internet06:30
Internet AVE01:14
Industry AVE02:40
TAFES/Education- Q1 2024
Average Wait Time Range
Lowest:TAFE WA00:14
Highest:TAFE QLD05:35
Education AVE01:53
Industry AVE02:40

Calls Answered by Industry Sector (Q4 2023)

Unfortunately, just like real customers, we often encounter excessively long wait times and/or technical difficulties that make it impossible for us to get through to a live agent and, therefore, unable to assess their quality.

We mark a call as not answered if wait times exceed the following:

  • Customer Service wait times exceed 15 minutes.
  • Sales calls (new business opportunities) wait times exceed 10 minutes.

A call may also be marked as not answered if there are technical difficulties that prevent us from getting through to a live contact centre agent.

Calls that are not answered are missed opportunities for businesses, especially in sales-related calls.

Australian Call Centre Industry - Q1 2024
1. TAFE/Education90.7%
2. Internet Retailers90.7%
3. Energy Retailers90.7%
4. Car Insurance90.5%
5. Councils80.2%
6. Banks64.8%
Industry AVE84.6%

CALLS ANSWERED PERCENTAGE – Lowest by Industry Sector

Whilst all call centres aim to answer all calls offered to them, whether it’s through unexpected demand, staff shortages, lack of budget, poor skills in Workforce Optimisation, etc., unfortunately, there are occasions when it is difficult to connect to a live call centre agent.

The Call Answered Percentage captures how many of our mystery shopping calls were answered with our wait time thresholds before we disconnected.

A higher percentage, e.g. 100%, means that all calls were answered within the thresholds.

Want to see how you compare to your competitors? Purchase the Contact Centre CX Benchmarking report and you’ll see over 80 metrics on your call centre and for any five competitors you nominate!

Banks - Q1 2024
Lowest Calls Answered %
1. Bendigo Bank44.4%
Banks AVE64.8%
Industry AVE84.6%
Car Insurance - Q1 2024
Lowest Calls Answered %
1. Allianz77.8%
Car Insurance AVE90.5%
Industry AVE84.6%
Councils - Q1 2024
Lowest Calls Answered %
1. City of Casey0.0%
Councils AVE80.2%
Industry AVE84.6%
Energy Retailers - Q1 2024
Lowest Calls Answered %
1. Energy Australia77.8%
Energy AVE90.7%
Industry AVE84.6%
Internet Retailers - Q1 2024
Lowest Calls Answered %
1. Telstra Internet44.4%
Internet AVE90.7%
Industry AVE84.6%
TAFES/Education - Q1 2024
Lowest Calls Answered %
1. TAFE QLD66.7%
Education AVE90.7%
Industry AVE84.6%

Download the Quarterly Trends Report 

ACXPA Members can instantly download the PDF Quarterly report, which contains the six industry sector averages for 11 key metrics for each month of the quarter, average Q1 2024 results, and comparison trends for Q4 2023. 

You’ll also gain access to additional reports for each industry sector (Banks, Car Insurance, Councils, Energy Retailers, Internet Retailers, TAFE’s Education and more to come) plus all the ACXPA Member benefits, including access to the ACXPA Member Bites Video Library of expert presentations and case studies, premium resources you can download, powerful networking tools and discounts to events and training courses.

Annual Memberships start from as low as $35 per person! Learn more >

Q4 2023 Call Centre Rankings Redacted

, thanks for being an ACXPA Subscriber! 

ACXPA Members can instantly download the PDF Quarterly report, which contains the six industry sector averages for 11 key metrics for each month of the quarter, average Q1 2024 results, and comparison trends for Q4 2023. 

You’ll also gain access to additional reports for each industry sector (Banks, Car Insurance, Councils, Energy Retailers, Internet Retailers, TAFE’s Education and more to come) plus all the ACXPA Member benefits, including access to the ACXPA Member Bites Video Library of expert presentations and case studies, premium resources you can download, powerful networking tools and discounts to events and training courses.

Q4 2023 Call Centre Rankings Redacted for Subscribers

, thanks for being an ACXPA member!

Download the PDF Quarterly report containing the six industry sector averages for 11 key metrics for each month of the quarter, average Q1 2024 results and comparison trends for Q4 2023. 


Gain Powerful Voice of Customer (VoC) Insights for your Business

Each month and quarter, we publish summary information for each industry sector that is available to the general public and even more for ACXPA Subscribers and Members.

If you’d like to gain Voice of Customer (Voc) insights for your specific contact centre and industry sector, purchase our Contact Centre CX Benchmarking and you’ll receive:

  • Visibility of over 80 metrics for your call centre.
  • Benchmarking data for any five competitors you nominate.
  • Call recordings, assessor notes and trend data for your business.
  • Tips and insights into how you can improve your performance.

All for a fixed monthly price! Learn more >

How many contact centres do you assess in each sector?

We assess a minimum of six different businesses in each sector.

How do you assess the contact centres? 

We conduct Mystery Shopping calls posing as a real customer and then assess the call against over 80 different performance metrics. All assessments are completed by specially trained assessors based in Australia (no AI is used!) and there are three separate people involved in scoring each call.

Learn more about how we assess performance >

Can I get the data for each contact centre that was assessed in each sector?

Yes, businesses that purchase the Contact Centre CX Benchmarking receive data on all the contact centres assessed in the same sector as you (we guarantee a minimum of five other competitors you can benchmark against).

How many mystery shopping calls do you conduct for each business?

A real customer makes their assessment off the single call they make – they don’t care about averages and minimum sample sizes – their entire judgement will be made from that one call. Harsh, but true!

And that’s what we want to capture in our Call Centre Rankings, what real customers are experiencing.

However, at a minimum, for all our public quarterly reports we will conduct at least nine different calls at different times and days to each business.

Learn more about how we assess performance >

Is there a way to ensure my contact centre is included in the published results?

Yes, if you purchase our Contact Centre CX Benchmarking, your business will be automatically included in the rankings each month.

Is there a way to exclude my contact centre from the published results?

Yes, if you purchase our Contact Centre CX Benchmarking, you have the choice of whether to include the results for your call centre in the rankings published each month.

Regardless, you will always receive insights into your call centre’s results to help you identify the areas you need to work on to improve the results.

I didn’t see my business sector – is there a way to get benchmarking data for my business sector?

Yes! As long as just one business purchases our Contact Centre CX Benchmarking, we will publish results for that sector that will include at least six contact centres for each industry sector.

Do ACXPA Members receive more data?

Yes! ACXPA Subscribers (free) get access to some additional data and ACXPA Members can see a range of additional reports.

Contact Centre CX Benchmarking Viewing Options

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Upcoming ACXPA Contact Centre Roundtable Coming Soon 5th Sep

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