Job Description Templates for Contact Centres and CX roles

The Australian Customer Experience Professionals Association (ACXPA) provides a range of resources for CX and contact centre managers including job descriptions that you can download on this page along with a range of articles for cx practitionerscontact centre managers, team leaders and frontline agents, benchmarking data and industry information, training courses and lots more!

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Job Descriptions (2)

  1. Contact Centre Manager Job Description 

    The modern contact centre manager is responsible for an ever-increasing amount of functions, outcomes, KPIs and more so this contact centre manager job description acts as a great starting template to develop a job description that is suitable for your business. It includes the following sections:

    • Position Purpose
    • Technical Accountabilities
    • People Accountabilities 
    • Scheduling Accountabilities
    • Required Skills and Experience

    The template is available in Microsoft Word making it easy to edit to suit your specific requirements. The Contact Centre Managers Job Description template is free to download for all ACXPA Members. 

    This resource is only available for ACXPA Individual Members. Learn more >

    Filename Contact-Centre-Manager-Job-Position.docx
    Filesize 31.68 KB
    Version v1
    Date added August 23, 2022
    Category Contact Centre Management, Job Descriptions
  2. Contact Centre Team Leader Job Description

    Often the importance of developing a really good Contact Centre Team Leader Job Description is an afterthought for many small to medium-sized organisations, which can make recruiting the best candidates challenging, risky and troublesome.

    While for many large or enterprise-sized organisations, job descriptions written by the Human Resources and/or Legal Departments can tend to focus much more on the legal safeguards to protect the organisation, rather than getting the best candidate for your Contact Centre Team Leader role.

    When you create a Contact Centre Team Leader job description (or any job description for any other role) you need to find the right balance in outlining the role and responsibilities of the position without giving someone the feeling they need to get legal advice before applying for the job!

    You need to remember that not only are you looking for the best candidate for you, but job hunters are also looking for the best fit for themselves too.

    With this in mind, you want your job description to be seen as part of the advertisement to help prospective candidates get a good feel for your company, and an understanding if they are a good fit for your company.

    So, don’t be afraid of creating a more detailed job description that clearly describes the roles and responsibilities of the role to attract and recruit the most highly qualified candidates that would love to work with your company.

    You also want to ensure that job expectations are established and met later on when you hire the right candidate. So, a clear understanding of what the requirements of the position are also builds the framework for new Team Leaders to work more efficiently and effectively.

    It also establishes the parameters of evaluating performance and supports greater accountability when it comes to performance reviews.

    The vaguer or loosely a job description is written, the more likely it can be open to interpretation, which can cause unnecessary and/or costly interactions – specifically if you need to address poor performance or termination issues.

    Well written job descriptions establish a solid set of expectations that prospective employees understand are required of them, and on how their performance will be measured.

    This alone is why getting sign off from the Human Resources and Legal teams is critical.

    And although in most jurisdictions job descriptions aren’t legally binding unlike an employment contract, they can still be really helpful in protecting the company if any litigation arises!

    Not to mention, establishing an employee’s status with respect to any applicable laws regarding their employment status (permanent, contracted, casual or part time) and associated wages and entitlements.

    Areas to include in your Call Centre Team Leader Job Description

    You need to accurately outline the duties and responsibilities of the position and at the start specify:

    • Job Title
    • Reporting Lines – direct and indirect
    • Role’s Purpose – explain the importance of the position and its value to the organisation
    • Duties and Responsibilities – accurately explain the general and specific responsibilities
    • List the main KPIs that will be required to be met
    • Required Qualifications – identify particular skills or abilities that are necessary
    • Preferred Qualifications – good to have but not critical
    • Working conditions – outline specific operating hours and environment


    Contact Centre Team Leader training courses 728x90


    KPIs & Industry Information for Contact Centre Team Leaders

    Setting the right KPIs for your contact centre Team Leaders is, of course, a critical part of the Job Description but working out the right KPIs can be a little tricky.

    The good news is we’ve already got an article you can read that provides guidance on how to set the right KPIs for Contact Centre Team Leaders > and you can access the latest industry information about the Contact Centre Team Leader role, common KPIs, salaries and more on our Contact Centre Team Leader glossary term >

    Team Leader Job Description Example

    Below is just a sample of what is included in the template. 

    Team Leader Job Description, Duty Statement, KPI & Procedures

    <Your Company Name> requires its Team Leaders to have and demonstrate the following attributes that meet with the company’s direction, core values, and expectations of fulfilling this role:

    1. They will be required to demonstrate by their actions they are a person of integrity and have strength in character.
    2. They must be able to demonstrate leadership of character that enables others to follow.
    3. They must be able to demonstrate that their professional and personal ethics are without question to earn the respect of their team and work associates.
    4. They will be expected to have and demonstrate emotional intelligence in their leadership style when dealing with others and their concerns.
    5. They will be expected to have and demonstrate a commitment to their role, the company and its’ employees that is reflective in the way they are able to inspire and attract people.

    As a Team Leader, you will also be expected to either possess or develop the following skills:

    • A minimum of <X>years as a Team Leader or similar role that meets evidence of proven capacity to meet all daily expectations and quotas for productivity outputs or the ability to rapidly acquire these skills.
    • Proven ability and a demonstrated understanding of performance monitoring and coaching individuals.
    • Assist in the service delivery and administration coordination of activities of the Call Centre with related activities of other departments, as required, to ensure efficiency and economy.

    There is a minimum probation period of three months of probation, and at the end of this period a performance review will be conducted to assess the ongoing development, extension of probation period and continuity of filling the position.

    The Team Leader will be offered the following support during their first three months probation:

    • Coaching or Training as determined by the Call Centre Manager or nominated delegate
    • Weekly briefing with the Call Centre Manager or nominated delegate

    The Team Leader will be paid a remuneration of <outline pay plan and include any bonus/commissions structure>.

    Download the Contact Centre Team Leader Job Description

    This resource is only available for ACXPA Individual Members. Learn more >

    Filename Contact-Centre-Team-Leader-Job-Description.docx
    Filesize 18.06 KB
    Version 1
    Date added March 24, 2023
    Category Contact Centre Management, Job Descriptions
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