ACXPA Community Roundtables – Speaker Information
Thanks for your interest in being a guest speaker at one of our upcoming community roundtables.
The Australian Customer Experience Professionals Association (ACXPA) is a new industry association launched in late 2022 that unites the contact centre, customer experience (CX), digital experience and customer service professionals in Australia.
With the largest website traffic in Australia from people working in the industry (over 12,000 unique visitors to our website each month and growing!), over 30k followers across Social Media and a growing member base, we are working hard to create a modern CX-focussed association that drives positive change in our industry.
We’ve recently launched the Community Roundtables based on feedback that industry professionals are tired of the endless vendor-sponsored webinars with a sales agenda and that they’d rather hear, learn and be inspired by people who are currently working in a role within the industry.
So that’s what we’ve created: an engaging space where industry professionals can come together and share information and insights that can collectively help us all deliver better outcomes for our businesses and customers.
Short highlights reel of Roundtable Speakers
Two Community Roundtables
Whilst cross-pollinating the diverse range of skills in our industry can help us all, we’ve launched two separate Community Roundtables for the two primary audiences:
- CX Roundtables (for Customer Experience professionals)
- Contact Centre Manager Roundtables (for Contact Centre Managers professionals)
Regardless of which Community Roundtable you would like to participate in, we’ll provide you with a forum to shine and share your insights and expertise to help our industry flourish.
We’ve outlined the process below for the Community Roundtables, along with a range of FAQs that you may have, so you can make an informed decision about joining us as a speaker!

When and Where
The Community Roundtables are recorded live via Zoom at the exact same day and time every month:
- CX Roundtables are held on the first Wednesday of every month between 12:30 and 13:30 AEDT/AEST (Melbourne, Australia)
- Contact Centre Roundtables are held on the first Thursdays of every month between 12:30 and 13:30 AEDT/AEST (Melbourne, Australia)
Format and Distribution
We live stream the Community Roundtables live via Zoom (refer to session dates and times below), with the first 40 minutes (approximately) conducted in an interview format, and then we allow up to 20 minutes for moderated Q&A from any listeners.
Following the live session, we will make the video available for ACXPA Members and release some or all of the audio on the CX Matters Podcast.
With the largest audience of CX and Contact Centre professionals in Australia and distribution across multiple channels, we’ll ensure your Community Roundtable will receive maximum exposure.
Speaker Seniority
The ACXPA audience covers the full range of our industry, from frontline agents to senior executives.
We’d like to ensure we cater for all roles in our industry, so we don’t have any minimum seniority to be a guest speaker. As we promote the Community Roundtables in advance, this provides the audience with the option to join sessions that include guests that are of the most interest to them.
Some industry professionals would love to hear the insights from frontline agents currently working in the industry or hear from a team leader on what they find the most challenging; others might want to hear from senior CX leaders on how they are planning to incorporate AI, Data and Analytics gurus on how to best extract useable insights, WFM practitioners on the latest trends etc.
In short, as long as your role is related to the contact centre or CX industry, we’re sure members of our community will find it interesting!
Your Hosts and Moderators
The Community Roundtables are hosted by industry leaders, who will conduct the interview and liaise with you beforehand to ensure you shine your best.
They will also moderate any questions at the end of the interview.

CX Roundtables Moderator & Host: Kevin Perry
Kevin Perry has over 20 years of experience in CX, analytics and data-driven marketing. He is a CCXP-certified Customer Experience leader who works with Australia’s largest enterprise-level clients to assist them with turning their data into insights, then using these insights to craft outstanding customer experiences, leading to sustainable competitive advantage.
Kevin has been a Practitioner Board Member (both Data & Analytics and Customer Experience boards) since ACXPA’s inception. Kevin has a deep passion for connecting with like-minded data geeks and CX nerds who are equally passionate about turning delicious data into amazing Customer Experience. He is a Salesforce CRM Marketing Cloud “Ranger”, and is passionate about leveraging technology to turn marketers’ CX strategies into reality!

Contact Centre Manager Roundtables Moderator & Host: Justin Tippett
Justin Tippett is the CEO of ACXPA, with over 30 years of experience in the contact centre industry, having managed customer contact for some of Australia’s biggest brands.
Justin has judged contact centre award programs all over the world, is a regular commentator in the media and at industry conferences on best-practice contact centre operations, has written countless articles and social media posts, and via the CX Skills business he launched over six years ago, provides a number of contact centre training programs for frontline agents through to senior managers so it’s fair to say he’s passionate about the industry!

Short intro from ACXPA CEO, Justin Tippett
Social Media Promotion
Our aim is to provide a professional production that serves as a great resource for our CX community, and to also help showcase your contribution to our industry.
We’ll prepare and produce all the Social Media banners to promote your upcoming roundtable and share them across our social channels, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc and you are also free to share them across your own socials.
Post-event, we may also produce short promo clips that we use to highlight key points from your roundtable that can further help boost your profile.
Refer to the examples below on some of the socials we produce.
Examples of Pre-Event Socials

Example of Post-Event Socials

Example of key quote image
Example of short video promo
Example of short video reel
Interview Content
The Community Roundtables aim to share insights and information that can help others on their contact centre or customer experience journey.
This can take many forms, but our overriding principle is no selling! Guests join our roundtables to learn, be inspired, and connect – not to be sold to!
The Community Roundtable hosts will communicate with you before the Roundtable to ensure there are no surprises during the live broadcast and to have a high-level agreement on the key topics to be discussed.
What We Like
We want to provide a platform for you to share your experience, insights and tips with others working in our industry. This can include a range of different components, including:
- Your story and how you came to be working in the industry.
- Examples of things that worked and things that didn’t!
- Best Practice Tips.
- An initiative your business is working on/has worked on.
- Insights into your industry.
- Best advice you received.
- Future predictions.
- And lots more!
What We Don’t Like
Above all else, we want to ensure there is no selling/sales pitches as people are not joining our Community Roundtables to be sold to. But we also want to ensure we provide a safe place for our viewers, so we also ask:
- No product promotions
- No hate speech, trash-talking or bullying
- No swearing
- Respect everyone’s privacy
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any cost for me to be a speaker?
No. We will prepare all the Social Media banners, edit the video, etc, at no cost to you.
Do I have to be an ACXPA Member to present?
No. First and foremost, we want to help the industry, so there is no requirement for you or your company to be a member.
Of course, we always welcome new members, and we believe we provide lots of value, so click here if you’d like to learn more about our memberships >
How can people watch the Community Roundtable?
The Community Roundtables are free for anyone to watch live, we just ask that people subscribe so we can communicate the details of the session with them.
ACXPA Members will have access to a Video Library that enables them to watch the previously recorded Community Roundtables at any time.
Do I get final approval before it’s released?
The Community Roundtables are recorded live, so no.
If you believe prior approval will be required, please refer to our Member Bites Speaker Briefing, as we do record those sessions in advance enabling you time to seek approval.
That said, we are not A Current Affair! Our goal is to provide you with a platform to shine and share with others some of your learnings, insights and experience and you are never forced to answer anything you don’t want to!
How many people will watch/listen to the Roundtable?
The Community Roundtables are a new concept, so ACXPA’s approach is a bit of ‘build it and they will come’! So, like any new format, it might take a little while before audiences build. Our initial goal is to ensure we have regular guests every month so our audience can get used to the routine and to continue adding the recorded sessions to our Video Library.
What we are seeing, though, is that getting people to a live event is becoming increasingly difficult, so we expect that the live events may not have big numbers (at least initially), but it will get more views as people watch on catch-up or listen via a podcast.
But what we can tell you is we have the most website traffic in Australia for CX and Contact Centre professionals (over 12,000 unique visitors per month!) and over 30k followers on Social Media!
I’m a vendor/consultant, am I able to be a speaker?
Most likely not. Whilst we don’t devalue your experience and expertise (as most vendors or consultants worked in the industry prior to jumping over to the dark side!), the Roundtables are designed to get to know current practitioners.
We offer vendors a range of tools and resources to help promote their products and services through our Vendor Memberships and Supplier Directory.
That said, if we think it will add value to our community and is not promoting a particular product or service, then we are happy to have a conversation.
Will I get the questions to be asked in advance?
We don’t typically provide scripted questions as we want the Roundtables to be fluid and engaging. However, the moderator will work with you before the session to ensure you are prepared as needed so we give you the best chance to shine.
Ready to get involved?
If you’re keen to join us as a speaker at one of our Community Roundtables, please complete the short form below, and we’ll be in touch!