Subscriber FAQs
Below, we’ve listed some common questions asked by subscribers.
If you still can’t find the answers you need:
- Check the Feedback page to see known issues and our Changelog.
- Get in touch! Please send us an email at or call us on 03 9492 2871
Just click the tabs below to view the FAQs.
How do I upgrade to a Membership?
It’s easy! Just select the type of membership you would like – there are three types of Memberships available.
What are the different membership options?
There are three types of ACXPA Memberships: Individual Memberships, Business Memberships or Vendor Memberships.
- Individual Memberships – the key to accessing all the premium content on the ACXPA Website.
- Business Memberships – a cost-effective way of purchasing individual ACXPA memberships you can allocate to your employees.
- Vendor Memberships – designed for suppliers of products and services to the industry including a listing in the ACXPA Supplier Directory.
What is the duration of an ACXPA Membership?
All our memberships are for 12 months.
What are the payment options?
You can pay instantly via credit card, or you can request an invoice for payment.
If I purchase a Business or Vendor Membership, do I get to access all the ACXPA premium content myself?
When you purchase either a Business or Vendor Membership, the person who makes the purchase receives what we call a ‘parent’ account.
On the parent account, you have full control over who you allocate the included Individual Memberships to, including yourself!
If you allocate an individual membership to yourself, you can easily switch between your parent and individual account whenever you log in.
You can learn more in the FAQs for Business Memberships or Vendor Memberships.
How can I update the emails sent to me?
Preferences for your emails can be controlled here > (full members have ever greater control over email content and notifications)
Can I change my password?
Yes! Click here to change your password >
Can I change my email address?
Yes! If you need to change the email address you created this account with, click here >
Can I cancel my account?
Yes, if you’d like to cancel your Subscriber Account and no longer access the ACXPA website and resources, click here >
What’s the difference between cancelling my Subscriber account and unsubscribing?
Your Subscriber account is required to access the ACXPA website (like you are now). If you cancel your Subscriber account, you will no longer be able to access the website, and you will be automatically removed from our mailing lists.
If you use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails, it will only remove you from the mailing list; your Subscriber account will remain active.
What discounts do I receive as a Subscriber?
You receive the following discounts:
- 10% off any ACXPA event, such as a site tour, networking event, etc.
If you select to upgrade to a Membership, you’ll receive:
- 50% of any ACXPA event.
- 25% off all live and self-paced training courses offered on our CX Skills website.
How do I access the discounts for ACXPA Events?
If you are logged into your Subscriber account (as you are now), simply navigate to the event you’d like to purchase tickets for.
Your Subscriber discount will be automatically applied.
How much is the ACXPA Events discount?
Subscribers receive a 10% discount. Employees with an Individual Membership will receive 50% off all ACXPA Events.
Can I purchase additional tickets?
Yes, however, any additional tickets will be at the standard price.
- Upgrading
How do I upgrade to a Membership?
It’s easy! Just select the type of membership you would like – there are three types of Memberships available.
What are the different membership options?
There are three types of ACXPA Memberships: Individual Memberships, Business Memberships or Vendor Memberships.
- Individual Memberships – the key to accessing all the premium content on the ACXPA Website.
- Business Memberships – a cost-effective way of purchasing individual ACXPA memberships you can allocate to your employees.
- Vendor Memberships – designed for suppliers of products and services to the industry including a listing in the ACXPA Supplier Directory.
What is the duration of an ACXPA Membership?
All our memberships are for 12 months.
What are the payment options?
You can pay instantly via credit card, or you can request an invoice for payment.
If I purchase a Business or Vendor Membership, do I get to access all the ACXPA premium content myself?
When you purchase either a Business or Vendor Membership, the person who makes the purchase receives what we call a ‘parent’ account.
On the parent account, you have full control over who you allocate the included Individual Memberships to, including yourself!
If you allocate an individual membership to yourself, you can easily switch between your parent and individual account whenever you log in.
You can learn more in the FAQs for Business Memberships or Vendor Memberships.
- Subscriber Account
How can I update the emails sent to me?
Preferences for your emails can be controlled here > (full members have ever greater control over email content and notifications)
Can I change my password?
Yes! Click here to change your password >
Can I change my email address?
Yes! If you need to change the email address you created this account with, click here >
Can I cancel my account?
Yes, if you’d like to cancel your Subscriber Account and no longer access the ACXPA website and resources, click here >
What’s the difference between cancelling my Subscriber account and unsubscribing?
Your Subscriber account is required to access the ACXPA website (like you are now). If you cancel your Subscriber account, you will no longer be able to access the website, and you will be automatically removed from our mailing lists.
If you use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails, it will only remove you from the mailing list; your Subscriber account will remain active.
- Discounts
What discounts do I receive as a Subscriber?
You receive the following discounts:
- 10% off any ACXPA event, such as a site tour, networking event, etc.
If you select to upgrade to a Membership, you’ll receive:
- 50% of any ACXPA event.
- 25% off all live and self-paced training courses offered on our CX Skills website.
- Events
How do I access the discounts for ACXPA Events?
If you are logged into your Subscriber account (as you are now), simply navigate to the event you’d like to purchase tickets for.
Your Subscriber discount will be automatically applied.
How much is the ACXPA Events discount?
Subscribers receive a 10% discount. Employees with an Individual Membership will receive 50% off all ACXPA Events.
Can I purchase additional tickets?
Yes, however, any additional tickets will be at the standard price.