About ACXPA – the Australian Customer Experience Professionals Association

ACXPA is a new industry association that unites Customer Experience (CX), Contact Centre and Customer Service professionals in Australia.

Whether your customers are handled by voice, digital or retail channels, ACXPA provides the insights, resources and support to deliver best and next-practice customer management operations and strategies across all channels to create a powerful force that will transform any business.

Whilst the association may be new, we’ve been actively supporting the Australian contact centre and CX community since 2011 through the CX Central website, which was the leading resource for contact centre and CX professionals in Australia and already, we’ve established ourselves as the leader in providing valuable resources for the industry and a world-class website packed full of value for members.

We’re excited to bring you a modern, professional, and vendor-agnostic association that is driven to create better outcomes for customers, businesses, and those working in the industry.

About ACXPA square logo

Why launch a new industry association?

According to our recent research, there are over 1.4 million Australians who are directly involved with customer interactions as part of their employment yet our industry has failed to have a collective voice, there is confusion over the benefits of customer experience (CX), contact centres are still largely seen as an inferior job and like every industry, technology is moving at a rapid pace that presents both a threat and significant opportunity.

And talk to average Australians, and they’ll tell you that the standard of customer service in Australia has never been worse, and it’s hard to disagree.

In fact, if we look at the Contact Centre Rankings Report, the industry average score is rated as ‘Below Standard’, and stories of poor customer experiences regularly feature in the news.

As industry professionals, there isn’t a day that goes by where we shake our head in wonder about just how such poor customer experiences can even exist as, more often than not, there are simple and effective solutions available that, as well as delivering a better customer experience, it would actually save the business money!

And when we take a helicopter view of the industry:

  • Most associations now just seem to promote vendor-sponsored content and awards programs rather than provide genuine industry resources.
  • The biggest ‘industry’ conferences are produced by professional events organisations who see them as money-making events and have no real vested interest in our industry.
  • There is still a lack of awareness around the benefits contact centres, BPOs and customer experience practitioners deliver to organisations and there is little to no understanding in the business community that when businesses invest in their customer experience, all key business metrics improve (i.e. profitability, EBIT etc.).
  • The complexity of managing customer contact continues to increase with a proliferation of new channels, technology (AI in particular), and unprecedented employee challenges, and the only genuine support comes from vendor-sponsored events and content.

So it was a matter of keep whinging about it, or do something about it.

So we did!

About ACXPA new industry association for contact centres in Australia

The ACXPA Journey So Far…

We might be a new industry association, but our legacy extends back to 2011 when we first launched Australian Contact Centre Community TV (Ac3TV), and you can see on the timeline below that there have been a number of milestones along the way!

It’s certainly not an easy task launching an industry association and our focus is on finalising our State Advisory Boards (local committees in each state), our Practitioner Advisory Boards (individuals who can provide a voice for each of the functions/roles within our industry) along with getting into a regular rhythm with our ACXPA Member Bite Videos, Contact Centre & Customer Experience Roundtables, CX Matters Podcast etc.

We also plan on launching two new websites that will provide further value to our industry:

  • Flexible Jobs – a new, purpose-built jobs website for our industry.
  • Where is the Call Centre – a website to help consumers connect with businesses that use Australian-Based Contact Centres.

If you’re passionate about the industry and interested in helping support ACXPA and giving back to our industry, please get in touch with us for a chat or reach out directly to our CEO, Justin Tippett, on LinkedIn.

2011 - Launch of the Australian Contact Centre Community TV (Ac3TV)

At the time, there was literally nothing being done to actively promote our industry and some of the incredible opportunities it provided.

Ac3TV featured a range of videos, designed to provide some insights (and entertainment!) across two key streams, one for operational employees and one for executives.  Some of the videos haven’t aged well but the heart and passion was in the right place!

2014 - Launch of Contact Centre Central Website

There was an increasing need from people wanting to learn more about contact centres from industry experts, not vendors, so the ‘Contact Centre Central’ website was launched with a focus on interviews, articles, industry glossary and a business directory.

2016 - Launch of Call Centre Legends Facebook Page

The only content that ever seemed to be produced was typically aimed at decision-makers with the hope that it would correlate to business opportunities.

But no one seemed to care about the frontline employees. So in 2016, the Facebook page Call Centre Legends was launched to provide frontline employees with a chance to have a laugh, learn more about our industry and help them feel like they were part of a larger community.

Thousands of memes later, it’s now followed by over 22k people!

2018 - Rebrand to CX Central

As interest in CX (Customer Experience) continued to rise, we transitioned to our new brand CX Central as our focus shifted beyond primarily the contact centre channel to ensure we provided support and resources for those starting to work in CX roles.  At the same time, to better handle the increasing website traffic, we launched the new CX Central website.

2019 - Launch of the CX Directory

While we had been running a business directory for suppliers on our website for many years, to enable greater functionality, a new website was commissioned to make it even easier for customers to connect to suppliers.

The directory is still operational today and has been officially rebranded to the ACXPA Supplier Directory.  It’s completely free to use and contains categories and search tags/filters to make it easy to find suppliers such as call centre outsourcers, technology suppliers and more.

October 2022 - Launch of ACXPA

After years of planning and over 12 months of building the new website, in October 2022, we had a soft launch of the ACXPA website as we continued to add content and features to ensure we delivered a world-class experience for our members.

As anyone who runs a website would know, the work is never finished, but we’re really proud of the site we’ve built that offers a range of features and benefits for both visitors and members alike.

February 2023 - First ACXPA Victoria Event

As well as running a number of national online events such as our Members Symposiums, we are also intent on delivering a range of local events with support from our State Advisory Boards.

We held our first ACXPA Victoria event, a Call Centre Recruitment and Employee Engagement Symposium and site tour of the Red Energy Contact Centre in Melbourne on the 9th Feb 2023.

May 2023 - First ACXPA SA Event

We held our first local event in South Australia, a networking event to coincide with the local launch of ACXPA, providing attendees with a chance to learn more about ACXPA and meet with other industry professionals.

August 2023 - Launch of the Community Rountables

Designed to provide a welcoming environment for industry professionals to share insights, provide support etc with others in similar roles free from any vendor sales pitches or sponsored content. We have fortnightly roundtables for CX Practitioners and Contact Centre Managers and there is no cost to join (you just need to be a subscriber).

August 2023 - Launch of the Australian Call Centre Rankings Report

For contact centres looking to gain valuable, independent insights into how they can improve their contact centres, we’ve launched our Call Centre Rankings Report aligned to the Australian Contact Centre Quality Standards.

For a fixed price each month, contact centres will receive independent insights from 48 different metrics on the quality of their contact centre, plus, five of their nominated competitors they’d like to benchmark themselves against. Learn more >

Each month, we will be publishing Call Centre Rankings for a range of industry sectors.  View the latest industry data >

May 2024 - Launch of the Call Quality Assesment Service

Designed for call centres that would like to outsource some or all of their call quality assessments to a third party to gain an unbiased and objective evaluation of the performance of their contact centre employees.

Calls are assessed against the Australian Call Centre Quality Standards and can also be assessed against compliance metrics that are specific to your business.

Learn more >

July 2024 - First ACXPA Queensland Event

We held our first local event in Queensland, a networking event featuring two industry expert speakers and a chance for local contact centre and customer experience professionals to connect in a great setting on the Brisbane River.

Haven’t heard of us yet?

You might be surprised to learn that each month, ACXPA receives approximately 500% more visitors on our website than the other industry associations combined!

And we also consider the traffic to our CX Central website, that number increases to around 900%.

Since we first started producing content in 2011, we’ve been steadily building up a loyal following of industry professionals who have valued our extensive resource library of articles, glossary terms, industry insights, helpful templates, guides and calculators that have been provided completely free to help move our industry forward.

Monthly Page Views

Visitors enjoy our content across a range of categories, including Call Centre Rankings, Industry InsightsContact CentresCustomer ExperienceCustomer Service, downloads, podcasts and more.

Articles & Glossary Terms

We’ve published over 750 articles and 160 Glossary Terms (and growing!) to share best practice tips, insights and inspiration!

Social Media Followers

Followers enjoy our content across Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter/X catering to those new to the industry through to seasoned veterans.

ACXPA Website traffic August 2024
Source: Ubersuggest August 2024 (can also be validated by other SEO tools)

ACXPA Membership Benefits

ACXPA has been designed to provide businesses with the skills, insights, support and networks they need to elevate their customer experience regardless of their channel preferences.

Whether it’s working in a CX role, a contact centre, customer service, an office/admin team or the frontline, if your business involves customer interactions,  we’ll help to:

  • Optimise the customer experience to deliver improved business outcomes such as increased customer acquisition and retention.
  • Improve efficiency in servicing customers that delivers real business savings.
  • Optimise customer channels including voice, digital and in-person.
  • Improve Employee Experience to increase engagement and retention.
  • Arm you with the latest industry insights and best-practice methodologies to make informed decisions.
  • Provide a support mechanism to connect with other like-minded industry professionals.

Click below to learn more about how ACXPA can help benefit you.


You'll gain exclusive industry insights & access to best-practices

One of the best ways of learning in our industry is hearing and learning from others, and that’s where ACXPA really shines!

  • You’ll gain access to the ACXPA Member Bites Video Library containing expert presentations and interviews, all designed to equip you directly with powerful insights and tips, free from any sales pitches!
  • Exclusive access to additional insights and data for the Australian Call Centre Rankings Report.
  • Online workshops delivered by local experts and our advisory board members to fast-track your knowledge.
  • Site tours and in-person member events.
  • Industry analysis and reports.
  • The CX Matters Podcasts/Vlogs enable you to tune in and listen to specific topics in an easy-to-digest format.
  • Articles and case studies written by real people sharing their knowledge to help others.
  • You can download templates, guides and calculators to save you time and help you succeed in your role.

We cover all customer touchpoints including voice, digital and in-person

The future of managing customers requires skills across Contact Centres, Customer Service, Customer Experience (CX) and Digital Service with a strong focus on the Employee Experience (EX). You simply can’t focus on any one of them in isolation and expect results.

ACXPA is designed to help you develop your skills, gain industry insights and learn from industry experts across all customer touchpoints.

We'll help you improve the business outcomes that matter to you

Good CX design unequivocally positively impacts your bottom line. 

Whether you are looking to deliver exceptional customer service, optimise your customer experience, or find ways to drive efficiencies in managing customer interactions, ACXPA is designed to help.

You’ll have access to some of the best minds in the business, sharing their insights, expertise and passion to help you achieve your desired business outcomes.

While naturally, we’d love everyone to deliver an amazing customer experience that creates raving fans, not every business strives to achieve it. For some businesses, it’s about driving the most efficient service to maximise profit or to keep the doors open.

So we’re not here to tell you what’s best for your business, but rather, we’re here to ensure you get the insights, support and guidance to achieve the best customer experience for your business.

You'll receive genuine discounts to ACXPA Events and Services

As well as being able to attend the monthly roundtables for free, members also receive a 50% discount on all ACXPA events , including the popular contact centre site tours (where our members open the doors to their contact centre with guides tours and presentations to help you learn) as well as our networking events (breakfasts, lunches or after work).

You’ll also save 25% off all CX Skills courses – the leading training company in Australia that specialises in contact centre, customer service, workforce optimisation and customer experience courses. With an average customer review score of 4.9/5, you can be confident you and your employees are being trained by the best in the business!

And if you need to gain some powerful insights into the delivery of your CX/Customer Service, you’ll also receive 10% off our Contact Centre Benchmarking Service.

You'll be part of a powerful community

We’re passionate about helping members forge strong connections with other industry professionals and we’ve built a world-class platform to make it easy!

  • You can join our monthly roundtables for CX Practitioners and Contact Centre Managers – A great way to interact with others in similar roles in a relaxed, moderated session.
  • Our powerful Members Directory enables you to search, connect and directly message other ACXPA members. Want to connect with someone else working in CX in Victoria? What about someone who’s implemented live chat to pick their brains about what’s worked? Someone with experience managing a network of three contact centres or maybe someone who’s transitioned to cloud contact centres. It’s all possible and easy on the Members Directory.
  • We’ve got private groups to make it easy for contact centre managers, cx practitioners, WFM, team leaders and so on to connect. In the private groups, you can share tips, conduct polls, ask questions etc. and get support from a community of fellow peers.
  • And, of course, the tried and tested in-person events – from site tours, networking events, local symposiums and more.

Access to premium resources to help you succeed

We’ve got a range of free and member-only resources that are all designed to help save you time and help you succeed in your role. Examples include:

  • Erlang calculators, Customer Retention calculators and ROI calculators.
  • Templates for customer journey maps, customer personas and more.
  • Customer Experience Strategy templates and examples.
  • Human-Centred Design Framework and more.
  • Outsourcing and technology guides.
  • Phonetic Alphabet
  • Cheat Sheets for agents
  • Job Descriptions
  • And lots more!

We’ve even got monthly general trivia quizzes designed for team leaders/managers to hand out to their team to help build engagement!

You’ll be joining other great companies investing in their CX

We’re grateful to the following organisations who have joined ACXPA to help them deliver customer excellence for their organisation.

Built for and by industry professionals

ACXPA was built and designed by industry professionals who wanted to make a positive difference in our industry.

We’re proud of our website and the tools, resources and content we’ve developed based on decades of experience.

Just take a look around our website, read some articles, watch some ACXPA Member Bites presentations, see how our Members Directory works, listen to a podcast, check out the glossary, search the supplier directory, view available downloads, test yourself on an industry knowledge quiz and more –  you can see, hear and feel the passion we have for the industry.

While some of our features are exclusive for members only, we’ve provided videos, sneak previews, etc., so if you are considering joining as a member, you can see what you will get before you invest.

Industry Insights

Industry insights, best practice tips and case studies every month delivered by industry experts across voice, digital and in-person channels.

Training & Events

Access to world-class training,  live workshops, community chats, site tours & networking events both online and in-person.

Build Networks

Powerful purpose-built tools to help you build your networks with like-minded industry professionals.

Expert Resources

Expert articles, guides, industry-specific calculators, journey maps, industry glossary, quizzes and lots more.

Memberships that deliver genuine value

Starting at just $197 per year, an ACXPA Membership is full of genuine value with specially crafted membership options for individuals, businesses and vendors:

Individual membership – provides access to all the ACXPA resources, including the ACXPA Member Bites Video Library, private groups, members directory, templates and guides you can download, and lots more!

Business memberships will help your business elevate the customer experience and improve efficiency in customer management, as well as improve the skills and engagement levels of your employees working in CX roles, whether they are just getting started or looking for thought leadership.

Vendor memberships, if you provide products and services to the industry, our Vendor Memberships will help you to improve brand awareness and generate leads. 

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Copyright © 2024 | Australian Customer Experience Professionals Association | Phone: +61 3 9492 2871 | Website Terms of Use 

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