ACXPA Australian Call Centre Industry Rankings October 2023

Australian Call Centre Industry Rankings October 2023 

Executive Summary

Our first Call Centre Ranking National report was published in August 2023 and started with assessing five industry sectors: Banks, Councils, Energy Providers, Internet Providers and TAFEs.  For this Australian Call Centre Industry Rankings October 2023 report, we’ve added a new industry sector: Car Insurance.

You can learn more about our assessment methodology, but in summary, we conduct a series of mystery shopping calls at random times and days, posing as a real customer, and then we assess the call using 48 different metrics that provide us with three key scores:

  • The Accessibility Score captures how easy it was to connect to a live contact centre agent including wait times, complexity of IVR Menus, hold experience, etc.
  • The Quality Score (QIS) measures the experience received during the interaction with the live contact centre agent using the five core competencies from the Australian Contact Centre Quality Standards: Engage, Discover, Educate, Close and Energy.
  • The Overall Score combines the two scores above with proprietary weightings on the competencies that influence the customer experience the most, and it’s this score that is used to determine the overall ranking results.

Key Findings from the Australian Call Centre Industry Rankings October 2023 Report

For each industry sector, we randomly selected a minimum of six different businesses with the key observations including:

  • The Councils were ranked as the best overall sector (64.8%), with the Banks the lowest ranked of the industry sectors (41.8%) for the third consecutive month.
  • Only one industry sector, Energy Providers, answered 100% of the mystery shopping calls within our thresholds (10 minutes for sales calls, 15 minutes for customer service calls).  The worst performing sector was the banks, failing to answer 39.9% of calls we made to banks, delivering a poor experience for potential new customers and missed opportunities for the banks to convert those calls into new business.
  • When it comes to being able to connect to a live agent, the TAFEs were rated the best for Accessibility (75.4%) with the Banks again the lowest-ranked sector (42.0%) for the third consecutive month.
  • Quality was rated as ‘Below Standard’ across the industry averaging 56.8% (- 2.6% from September 2023) 59.4%, with the Councils the lead sector at 67.1% and the new sector, Car Insurance, rated the lowest for quality with 43.7%.
  • Average Wait Times across the industry was 02:26 minutes, an increase of 00:20 minutes from the previous month.  The quickest wait times were delivered by the Energy Providers (00:31 minutes), and the longest wait times on average were the Banks (04:18 minutes).
  • Navigation time (of the IVR menu where present) averaged 00:27 minutes, a decrease of 00:08 minutes from September 2023. Councils had the shortest menu navigation times (00:12 minutes) and Banks the longest (00:45 minutes).
  • Customers also endured an average of 00:36 minutes of recorded announcements before being placed in a queue, with the Internet Providers the shortest (00:08 minutes) and the Energy Providers the longest (00:58 minutes).
  • When it comes to the number of IVR layers, the Banks had the most, with an average of 3.3 layers, compared to the Councils, with the lowest at 0.8.
Australian Call Centre Industry Rankings October 2023 by Sector
The overall industry sector ratings for October 2023

How to View the Call Centre Ranking Reports & Data

We provide various ways to view the industry benchmarking data - refer to the table below to see what's available (click to see a larger image).

Call Centre Rankings Report Access Comparison Table Visitors

How to View the Call Centre Ranking Data

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How to View the Call Centre Ranking Data

Call Centre Rankings Report Access Comparison Table Members

How to View the Call Centre Ranking Data

Please log into an Individual ACXPA Membership account to access the full Call Centre Ranking data!

Australian Call Centre Quality Rankings:




(45% to 60%)


(61% to 75%)


(76% to 90%)



Key Results by Industry Sector for October 2023

The tables below rank the various industry sectors we assessed across four key metrics.

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Overall Score Rankings by Sector (October 2023)

Each sector had some stand-out performers, with a special mention to the Holmesglen TAFE in Victoria, which was the top-rated contact centre in Australia for October 2023 with a score of 85.6%.

2nd place was awarded to Northern Beaches Council (82.9%) and 3rd place, the City on Onkparinga (79.5%) who were the overall winners the previous two months.

The Overall Score is determined by combining the two primary component scores below and applying some proprietary weightings that place a higher emphasis on the quality of the interaction:

  • Accessibility Score – measures the experience of connecting to a live contact centre agent.
  • Quality Score – measures the experience of the interaction with a contact centre agent.

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Accessibility Score Rankings by Sector (October 2023)

Connecting to a live contact centre agent was easy in October 2023 was more difficult as compared to the September 2023 results, decreasing from 69.1% to 65.9%.

  • Energy Providers were the biggest improver (+13.4%).
  • TAFEs had the largest decrease (-12.6%) with a score of 75.4%, however this was still the best result for all of the sectors we assessed.
  • For the third consecutive month, the Banks were assessed as the most difficult sector to connect to a live contact centre agent with a score of 42.0%, the only sector to achieve a ‘Poor’ rating.
  • A large contributor to the ‘Poor’ rating for banks was:
    • 39.1% of calls to banks (for sales-related calls) were not answered due to delays in excess of 10 minutes, representing lost revenue opportunities for them.
    • Banks had the longest wait times of all industry sectors, with customers waiting, on average, 04:18 to connect to a live agent.
  • On average, customers were forced to listen to 00:36 minutes of pre-recorded messaging before being able to speak to a live agent, an increase from September 2023 of 00:06 minutes. Internet Providers had the shortest messaging (00:08 minutes) and Energy Providers the longest (00:58 minutes).
  •  The average time stuck in an IVR (press 1 for this, 2 for that) was 00:27 minutes (down from 00:08 minutes the previous month), with Councils having the the quickest menus to navigate (00:12 minutes) and Banks the longest (00:45 minutes).
  • The average wait time across the industry increased by 15.8% (02:06 minutes to 02:26 minutes), with the best sector the Energy Providers (00:31 minutes) and Banks the longest (04:18 minutes)
  • Across all the contact centres we assessed, 14.6% had no IVR.

The Accessibility Score measures the experience before interacting with a live agent with our assessment including 30 individual elements grouped into five core components: Search, Design, Ease, Audio and Timing (along with deductions for calls not being answered within thresholds, technical glitches, etc).

Elements including queue wait times, ease of menu options (i.e. press 1 for this, 2 for that), hold music, audio quality, etc. 

*We wait on hold for 10 minutes (sales scenarios) or 15 minutes (service scenarios) before disconnecting the call.

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Quality Score Rankings by Sector (October 2023)

Across the industry, Quality declined to 56.8% which is rated as ‘Below Standard’.

As many of the mystery shopping calls we make are new revenue opportunities, this suggests there is a significant opportunity for organisations who invest in improving the performance of their contact centre employees.

  • The best Quality across the industry was delivered by the Councils (67.1%), the second consecutive month leading the industry and the highest quality score recorded to date for any sector.
  • The lowest quality was delivered by our newest sector, Car Insurance providers with a score of 43.7% the lowest score we have ever recorded for an industry sector.
  • The TAFE sector had the largest improvement compared to the previous month (+4.7%).
  • The ‘Engage’ Competency continued to be the worst performing competency and the only one rated as Poor (41.8%), with even basic things like the correct use of a customer’s name only scoring 29.9%.
  • The top Quality Competency was ‘Energy’ with 72.3%.
  • You can view more insights on the quality competencies further down in the report (or click here to jump to it)

The Quality Insights Score (QIS) measures the experience a customer has when interacting with a contact centre agent for either a customer service or sales call.

Quality is assessed across five core competencies and 18 call-handling behaviours that directly correlate to better customer and business outcomes.

Learn more about the Australian Contact Centre Quality Standards >

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Average Wait Times by Sector (October 2023)

The average wait time across the industry increased by 28% (02:06 minutes down to 02:26 minutes), with the best sector in October 2023 the Energy Providers (00:31 minutes) and Banks the longest (04:18 minutes).

  • Energy Providers was the only sector that a decrease in wait times compared to the previous month, a decrease of 01:01 minutes to 00:31 minutes.
  • Councils has the largest increase in wait times (+01:44 minutes to 03:18 minutes).
  • Banks has the longest wait times (04:18 minutes) for the third consecutive month.

You can view the leaders for each sector in the tables below.

The Average Call Centre Wait Times in Australia measures the time to connect to a live call centre employee in Australia after navigating the IVR systems (press 1 for this, press 2 for that) and listening to any pre-recorded messaging.

Most people would refer to this as waiting in a call centre queue, and it’s often the measure that has the highest correlation to customer frustration.

Mystery Shopping calls are terminated at 10:00 minutes for sales calls and 15:00 minutes for customer service calls.

As we disconnect, we don’t capture the total wait time. The max threshold time is used to calculate the averages, meaning when wait times exceed the threshold, the actual wait times would be higher than the reported average.


Industry Average


Fastest Sector: Energy Providers


Longest Sector: Banks

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ACXPA Members can see more exclusive data!

ACXPA Members gain instant access to additional Call Centre Ranking data, plus you’ll also gain access to leading industry insights, resources and thought leadership.

Individual Memberships are just $197 per year, and Business Memberships start from $497 (which includes five individual memberships you can allocate to key employees).

Australian Call Centre Industry Rankings Redacted October 2023

Additional member-only insights you’ll instantly see include: 

  • Calls Answered Percentage
  • IVR Navigation Time & Layers
  • Average Talk Times
  • Quality scores by each of the five different competencies
  • The scores for the four behaviours of the ‘Engage’ Quality Competency
  • Accessibility scores by each of the five different competencies
  • Access to all previous month’s data
  • Monthly Trend Results

Thanks for being an ACXPA Member! You have full access to all the additional data for the Australian Call Centre Rankings by Industry Sector below!

Calls Answered Percentage by Sector (October 2023)

A key component of being able to assess a contact centre’s performance relies on being able to connect to a contact centre agent when we dial the contact centre number.

Unfortunately, just like real customers, we often encounter excessively long wait times and/or technical difficulties that make it impossible for us to get through to a contact centre.

We calculate a call as not answered if:

  • Customer Service related calls are not answered within 15 minutes.
  • New customer/sales related calls are not answered within 10 minutes.
  • There are technical difficulties at the contact centre that prevents use from getting to a live contact centre agent.

Industry Average


Lead Sector: Energy Providers


Lowest Sector: Banking

Banks (Oct 2023)

Call Answered Percentage


Who Didn’t Answer 100%

Everyone except NAB

Car Insurance (Oct 2023)

Call Answered Percentage


Who Didn’t Answer 100%


Councils (Oct 2023)

Call Answered Percentage


Who Didn’t Answer 100%

City of Casey (Vic)

Energy (Oct 2023)

Call Answered Percentage


Who Didn’t Answer 100%

Internet (Oct 2023)

Call Answered Percentage


Who Didn’t Answer 100%


TAFES (Oct 2023)

Call Answered Percentage


Who Didn’t Answer 100%


Recorded Messaging Time by Sector (October 2023)

The Recorded Messaging time captures any pre-recorded messaging the customer is forced to listen to, either before or after the IVR and prior to being placed into a call waiting queue.


Industry Average


Lead Sector: Internet Providers


Longest Sector: Energy Providers

Average Talk Time by Sector (October 2023)

The Average Call Duration (how long spent on the phone) engaging with a call centre employee.

Please note that faster calls don’t always correlate to better calls; we provide this information for comparative purposes only.

As you’ll often note in the data, even though we are testing the same scenarios, there is often a wide range of times reflecting different processes, different experience levels etc. and as a rule, it is better for the customer and the business if calls are handled more efficiently, without any compromise on quality.


Industry Average


Fastest Sector: Council


Longest Sector: Car Insurance

Quality Competencies by Sector (October 2023)

The information below contains additional insights into the performance of the contact centres by industry sector as assessed against the five core competencies of the Australian Contact Centre Quality Standards that directly correlate to better outcomes for the customer and the business.

Engage Competency

“Build a strong first impression and build trust by taking ownership, personalising and revealing how you will help satisfy the customer’s needs.”

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Discover Competency

“Conversation that explores and confirms both what customers need from the call and what they wish to achieve through your products and services.”

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Educate Competency

” Fully inform the customer with targeted, relevant information that checks suitability, understanding, commitment and resolution.”

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Close Competency

“Control the end of the call with a strong final check, expression of gratitude and thanks to create a strong final impression.”

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Energy Competency

“Energy, empathy, clarity and efficient call management that builds connection and makes it easy for the customer to get what they need.”

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, thanks for being an ACXPA member! You can view and download the monthly report below.

Australian Call Centre Rankings October 2023 Download

How many contact centres do you assess in each sector?

Each month we do a snapshot of the industry and typically mystery shop a minimum of six different businesses in each sector.

How do you assess the contact centres? 

We conduct Mystery Shopping calls posing as a real customer and then assess the call against 48 different performance metrics.

Learn more about how we assess performance >

Can I get the data for each contact centre that was assessed in each sector?

Yes, businesses that purchase the Contact Centre CX Benchmarking Service receive data on all the contact centre centres assessed in the same sector as you (we guarantee a minimum of five other competitors you can benchmark against).

How many mystery shopping calls do you conduct for each business?

A real customer makes their assessment off the single call they make – they don’t care about averages and minimum sample sizes – their entire judgement will be made from that one call. Harsh, but true! And that’s what we want to capture in our Call Centre Rankings, what real customers are experiencing.

However, at a minimum, for all our public reports we will conduct at least three different calls at different times and days to each business.

Learn more about how we assess performance >

Is there a way to ensure my contact centre is included?

Yes, if you purchase our Contact Centre CX Benchmarking Service your business will be automatically included in the rankings each month.

I didn’t see my business sector – is there a way to get benchmarking data for my business sector?

Yes! If you purchase our Contact Centre CX Benchmarking Service for your contact centre, your sector will be added to our ranking reports! And just like the other sectors we publish data for, we’ll include at least six contact centres for each industry sector.

Is there trend data available?

Yes. We started publishing reports in August 2023 – view the YTD data >

View Additional Information By Industry Sector:

Each Industry Sector has its own YTD and monthly reports – click the button below to view specific industry data.


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