CX Matters S1 EP 13 Key ingredients you need for employee engagement with Luke Jamieson

Key Ingredients of Employee Engagement

In this episode of the CX Matters Podcast, host Justin Tippett interviews local contact centre and employee engagement expert Luke Jamieson who reveals his 12 Key ingredients of Employee Engagement in a workplace.

In addition to a great checklist that any contact centre manager should use, Luke also shares his definition of employee engagement and explains the difference between employee experience and employee engagement.

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CX Matters Podcast

June 25, 2023 · Season 1 · Episode 13

10 Min, 18 Sec · By ACXPA

In this episode of the CX Matters Podcast, host Justin Tippett interviews local contact centre and employee engagement expert Luke Jamieson who reveals his 12 Key Ingredients of Employee Engagement in a contact centre (or any workplace). In addition to a great checklist that should be used by any contact centre manager, Luke also shares his definition of employee engagement as well as explaining the difference between employee experience and employee engagement.

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Read the Transcript from this CX Matters Podcast

Justin: Welcome to another episode of the CX Matters Podcast. My name is Justin Tippett, CEO of ACXPA. In this podcast, I am joined by someone who is incredibly passionate about the topic we’re going to be talking about: employee engagement. Welcome, Luke Jamieson.

Luke: G’day Justin and g’day everyone listening. I’m really excited to talk about this topic because I know it’s one that you are very passionate about.

Justin: Absolutely. So let’s dive right in. First, let’s start with a definition. What is employee engagement and why is it important?

Luke: Employee engagement has become a topic on everyone’s lips. Five years ago, it was all about customer experience, but the pandemic highlighted the need for employee experience and engagement. Employee engagement, as I define it, is what’s happening within you that’s driving the engagement you have with the organisation you work for. It’s made up of 12 key ingredients.

Justin: That’s great. So before we reveal those 12 ingredients, let’s address another term: employee experience. Is it the same as employee engagement?

Luke: There is a difference. Although they can impact each other, employee engagement happens within you, while employee experience happens to you. For example, onboarding at a new company is an employee experience. Engagement, on the other hand, is about what’s changing within you and driving you to be an active contributor in the workplace.

Justin: That makes sense. So, could you give me an example of an employee experience?

Luke: Sure, one example is the onboarding experience. It’s a very experiential time where you’re learning new things and getting familiar with the company. It includes things like knowing where to go on your first day, receiving your laptop on time, and getting a box of swag that makes you feel part of the team. It’s about the things that happen to you.

Justin: Right. And those experiences can impact your engagement levels. Now, let’s get into the 12 key ingredients of employee engagement.

The 12 Key Ingredients of Employee Engagement

Luke: Here are the 12 ingredients of employee engagement in a relevant order:

  1. Sense of purpose: Knowing why you are doing something and why the organization does it.
  2. Sense of meaning: Feeling that what you do and what the company does matters.
  3. Sense of impact: Believing that what you do makes a difference.
  4. Sense of progress: Seeing personal development and career growth.
  5. Sense of achievement: Feeling recognised and celebrated for accomplishments.
  6. Sense of relationship: Building positive connections with others.
  7. Sense of community: Recognising the presence of a broader workplace community.
  8. Sense of trust: Having trust in the organization and colleagues.
  9. Sense of self: Maintaining a personal identity within the workplace.
  10. Sense of ownership: Believing the taking action is not someone else’s responsibility
  11. Sense of autonomy: Having the freedom to make decisions and contribute.
  12. Sense of belonging: Feeling safe and connected to the workplace.

Justin: These are the 12 key ingredients that contribute to employee engagement. If all of these aspects are fulfilled, you have an engaged employee.

Luke: Exactly. When these boxes are ticked, you have a well-engaged employee.

Measuring Employee Engagement

Justin: Now, how do companies measure employee engagement, especially in contact centres and frontline CX roles?

Luke: Measuring employee engagement can be challenging. Using activity as a proxy, like attendance or meeting KPIs, is not enough. Engagement goes beyond these activities. Regular pulse checks with employees can provide insights into their engagement levels. Additionally, observing the culture within the organization and looking at indicators like attrition rates and productivity can also help assess engagement levels.

Justin: It’s essential to take a holistic view and consider multiple factors when measuring engagement. We should explore this topic further in a future episode.

Luke: Agreed. It’s definitely an important topic worth exploring further.


Justin: Thank you, Luke, for sharing your expertise and passion for employee engagement.

Luke: Thanks, Justin, for having me. And thank you, everyone, for listening.

Justin: Likewise. Remember to subscribe to our podcast on your preferred platform and check out our articles on the ACXPA website at Bye for now!

Luke: Thanks again. Bye for now!

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