Guest Posts Submission

One of our primary focuses at the Australian Customer Experience Professionals Association (ACXPA) is to ensure we provide valuable content for our audience written by knowledgeable experts in our industry.

Our industry covers a wide range of industries all related to customer management including Contact Centres (i.e. Call Centres), Customer Experience (CX), Digital Experience (DX), Customer Service and Employee Experience (EX) in Australia.

If you, or your business, work in these industries contributing to our Guest Posts can be a great way to increase your exposure to the industry so if you’d like to contribute to our quality content, there are two key methods to submit Guest Posts on ACXPA listed below.

Submitting Guest Posts on ACXPA

How we publish Guest Posts on ACXPA

There are two options for having a guest post published on ACXPA:

Option 1. The article is published identifying you (or a nominated person) as the author.

You’ll be acknowledged as the article author and we’ll include your author bio where you can include a short summary about yourself,  a link to your company website, social pages, contact details etc.  This can be a great way to increase your personal and business profile and establish yourself as a leader in our industry.

You must be an ACXPA member to have an article published under your name.  Learn more about our membership options (prices start at $197 AUD per year) >

Top tip! If you sell products or services that are targeted towards our audience, you may also want to consider a Vendor Membership. As well as including options to publish articles, it also provides lots of other great options to help you promote and grow your business. Learn more about our Vendor Memberships >


Option 2. The article is published as ‘Staff Writers’.

If you aren’t a member of ACXPA, all guest posts are published under our Staff Writers bio and will include one backlink to your nominated destination subject to our terms and conditions that are listed below. Submitting a Guest Post is a free service.

FAQs about Guest Posts

Popular Topics on ACXPA

Our audience consists of professionals who work in the following industries:

  • Contact Centres/Call Centres
  • Customer Experience (CX)
  • Digital Experience (DX)
  • Customer Service
  • Employee Experience (EX)

Popular topics include:

  • Tips for contact centre managers
  • Managing remote employees
  • Best practice for customer experience including journey mapping, solution design, feedback and so on
  • How to be a better Team Leader
  • Tips for delivering better customer service
  • Executive trends and thought leadership in customer service, customer experience and contact centres
  • Business Process Outsourcing benefits, lessons, tips etc
  • Technology that can improve efficiency in customer management or contact centres
  • Recruiting and retaining frontline employees
  • How to boost engagement levels in frontline agents
  • How to motivate employees
  • Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and how it can help improve the customer experience

See all our existing articles and categories >

Rules for Guest Posts

To maintain a high-quality standard of articles on ACXPA we apply the quality over quantity principle where we would rather have fewer, but higher quality articles than lots of articles that don’t add much value to the reader.

To ensure your article has the best chance of being published:

  • All Guest Posts will be published under our Staff Writers bio. If you want to have your name or your client’s name as the author you must purchase a membership.
  • Your article topic must be relevant to our audience.
  • Your content must be original (we don’t publish content that has already been posted elsewhere) and all articles are checked for plagiarism.
  • We recommend a minimum of 600 words.
  • It’s not promotional – if you want to advertise your products and services please refer to our advertising options.
  • Articles must be informative, provide thought leadership, insight, inspiration etc and add value to our reader. Articles that are just copied and pasted and do not demonstrate a good understanding of the topic will not be published.
  • Include the sources for any quotes used.
  • Any statistics used must use current data and provide a link to the source.
  • Include links back to other related articles already on ACXPA where possible
  • There are no ‘Call To Actions’ or any form of advertising (we have paid Advertising Options if that is what you are looking for).

Click here to read some tips on how to write a good guest post >

Prices for Guest Posts

We do not charge for Guest Posts however the article will be published by a ‘Staff Writer’ as the author.

If you want to have an article published with a defined author (that also includes their author bio with a link to their company website) you will need to purchase an Individual Membership with prices starting at $197 AUD per year. See membership options >


We will include ONE do-follow backlink to your preferred destination as long as it is relevant to your article.

We do not allow backlinks to:

  • Gambling sites
  • Pornographic sites
  • Cryptocurrency sites
  • Dating sites
  • Medical and supplement sites

We reserve the right to remove all backlinks so please don’t try and include any that are not relevant to the article or the text it’s linked to.

Tips for Submitting Guest Posts

To give you the best chance of having your Guest Posts published on ACXPA, we recommend the following:

  • Follow guidelines. Refer to our ‘Rules’ tab and make sure they are followed!

  • Write something unique. Don’t regurgitate the same information that’s in every post on the topic. We value a unique angle or a more comprehensive guide that demonstrates knowledge or an informed view on a topic.

  • Include internal links. Including internal links to other articles on ACXPA shows that you’re a thoughtful writer and makes it far more likely we will publish your article.

  • Get a feel for existing articles. Click here to see a view of articles already published on ACXPA.
  • Include links to your site. We typically allow one link (possibly more) if they are relevant. Avoid linking to your home page, your sales page, affiliate links, or any other page that doesn’t offer value to the reader as they will typically be removed.

  • Check your grammar and spelling. There are lots of free writing tools like Grammarly (which we use) or the Hemingway App.

  • Use local spelling. Please use Contact Centre (not Contact Center)
  • Include images. We always prefer if you submit your own images that add value to your article. You can submit a number of images with each article via our online form below.

Ready to Submit a Guest Post?

To submit Guest Posts on ACXPA please use the form below. Please note:

  • It can take up to four weeks for your article to be published.
  • If your article is published, we will send you a notification.
  • Due to the volume of submissions we receive, and as this is a free service, there will be no further communication from us.


Due to increasingly sophisticated spambots, we have been forced to switch off our automatic submission for guest posts temporarily.

We aren’t really sure what these people are trying to achieve or who is behind it, but all you are doing is ruining opportunities for genuine people so perhaps consider other people for a change instead of yourself.



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Copyright © 2025 | Australian Customer Experience Professionals Association | Phone: +61 3 9492 2871 | Website Terms of Use 

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